Do you exercise your body but not your Mind?
Do you have thoughts that drive you crazy? Do you find you get angry or annoyed over things but wish you didn't? Is it hard for you to find peace throughout your day? In this workshop you will learn how your thoughts truly create your world and how you CAN have control over your thoughts and ultimately have more peace in your life.
Join me for a workshop that you won’t want to miss!
I will walk you through the "Self Coaching Model" -a model you can use everyday and in any situation.
This tool will help you realize the power you do have over your thoughts and how you can have peace, even if you feel you live amidst chaos.
We will use real life examples as exercise to get our minds thinking differently.
You will also create a vision board for the future—what do you want to achieve? Where do you want to go? What are your goals, your dreams? Anything is possible. You will leave with a board you can look at daily and remind yourself throughout the year your goals and dreams.
You CAN do the Bootcamp for your Mind workshop from the comfort of your home with me via a ZOOM call. This is an easy way for me to share my presentation with you and it is Easy to set up. Email me or sign up below and we can figure out a day and time that is convenient for the call. See below for the link to your Personal Bootcamp for your Mind session!
The Bootcamp for you Mind/Vision Board Workshop will be held on Saturday January 19th from 9:30am to 12:30pm. at the Center for Clarity, Compassion & Contentment, 801 State Route 50, Burnt Hills, NY.