Join me this week and workout your mental muscle. Listen, stretch your mind and learn why silence is not empty, but full of answers. I’ll walk you through the benefits of doing so and how to get the most out of your quiet time. Not a fan of silence? You may learn you enjoy it more than you think you would. Take a listen and decide for yourself if you want to give it a try.
#130 Change the World or Change Yourself?
This week stretch your mind and think about what you want to change in the world and learn how you can start with making changes yourself. I’ll guide you through some questions to think about that will open your mind some more and allow you to discover how your thoughts create your feelings and how we are 100% in charge of our feelings. Others do not cause you anguish, you do! Stop the blame and take responsibility and begin helping the world change but taking care of your mental health.
#129 Is our perception reality?
There’s a popular saying “perception is reality” but this week I challenge you to think about this and question whether this is true. Our perception is our reality, but it may not be the reality. Listen and learn why what we perceive is not always the way things are. I’ll give you a real life example and show you how opening your mind can improve your mental health.
#128 How we tell our story determines our next chapter
What’s your story? We all tell stories from our past, but is the story you telling hurting our helping you? We can rewrite our story. Yes the past is over, but we can rewrite it and make our next chapter better. Join me this week as we stretch our minds and think about how we can do this.
#127 Indecision is the Enemy of Progress
Do you have a hard time making decisions? Do you allow your indecisiveness to get in the way of what you really want? This week’s quote is “Indecision is the enemy of progress” and I not only talk about why this is true, but I walk you through some mental exercises which may help you understand why being indecisive is not helping you at all. Take out your Mental Mat, open our mind and take a listen.
#126 Keeping our focus on us and not others
In this week’s podcast I encourage you to stretch your mind and consider how often you worry about others. Most of us do this, but why? How can we stop ourselves from doing this? This week’s quote is perfect for dissecting and figuring out why. Get out your mental mat and join me now for just eight minutes and start to work that mental muscle of yours and get it in shape!
#125 Closed Minds Never Open New Doors
This week we stretch our minds around this quote. You may think you have an open mind, but do you really? I’ll ask some questions which you may discover and uncover your mind is not as open as you think it is. When we open our minds we can learn so much. Are you ready to listen and learn?
#124 Failure IS an Option
Do you feel if you failed you’ve let everyone down? Are you afraid to try anything new because you fear failure? In this week’s podcast I discuss why not only is failure an option, but it is necessary in order for us to learn from our mistakes and succeed. Listen and stretch your mind to the possibility that failing IS an option, and one we need in order to get to where we want to be.
#123 Music-It's good for our soul
Music--it brings us laughter, it brings us tears. In this week's podcast I discuss how listening to music can bring back memories we haven't had in years. What’s some of your favorite songs and what emotions do they bring out in you? How can a song from years ago take us back to the exact moment we remember hearing it? Listen and learn how music cam soothe our soul and why we love the songs we do.
#122 Our Story
What’s your story? We all tell stories from our past, but is the story you telling hurting our helping you? We can rewrite our story. Yes the past is over, but we can rewrite it and make our next chapter better. Join me this week and stretch your mind and think about the story we want to tell to ourselves and others.
#121 Losing Mental Weight
Sometimes it’s not just physical weight but mental weight we need to lose. We are often unaware of how our thoughts weigh us down and this week I’ll ask some questions to stretch your mind and get you to uncover your thoughts that weigh you down? Want to lose weight this week? Listen for the next few minutes and find out how!
#120 Better Than I Use To Be
This week’s Mind Yoga Quick Quote is from a Tim McGraw song. Do you believe you are better than you use to be? Or, do you believe you are the person you are and you can’t change? In this week’s episode I’ll talk about how we all have free will and each and every day we choose the person we want to be. Who do you want to be? Think about that, start stretching your mind and take a listen!
#119 Actions speak louder than words
We’ve all heard this expression countless times. But have you ever really thought about your words and your actions towards others? We could have the best intentions with our words but our actions may not be demonstrating this. In this week’s episode I give examples and encourage you to stretch your mind and really look within to whether your actions are reflecting your words.
#118 H.A.L.T.
HALT is an acronym that stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. In this week’s podcast I encourage you to stretch your mind and think about referring to this acronym before you make any decisions. If you are one of the four adjectives, or a combination of them, then HALT. Do not take action, until you take care of yourself first. An important lesson that can help us gain more clarity and lead a more peaceful life.
#117 Take Control Instead of Losing Control
“Take Control Instead of Losing Control” is this weeks quick quote. Do you find yourself losing the ability to think and act rationally? Do you lose your temper more than you care to admit? In this week’s episode I encourage you to stretch your mind and think about why…why do we let things get the best of us and how can we have more control of our lives? We can’t control others but we CAN control ourselves. Learn how you can do this and have more peace in your life.
#116 None of Your Business
“If it’s none of your business, don’t make it your business” is this weeks Mind Yoga Quick Quote. I’ll talk about and encourage you to stretch your mind and really think about how often we give our opinion when not even asked and why we use the excuse “I was just trying to help”. Once we can become aware of how often we try to help others when we were not asked to, and once we can start to “mind our own business”, we will learn to have more peace in our lives.
#115 Let it Happen or Make it Happen?
This week we stretch our minds and think about when we should let things happen vs make them happen? How do we decide when we’ve done enough? How do we figure out when it’s ok to sit back and let it happen? Learn how to distinguish between these two important actions. They may be on different sides of the scale but they both have their time and place. Take nine minutes for YOU and take a listen.
#114 Self Control
In this week’s podcast we stretch our mind around the concept of self control and why it is the ultimate expression of power. Listen and learn how the more discipline and self control we have, the less we are giving our power away to others. Your life is not a random spin of the wheel. If you have lost your self control or just need a tune-up on using yours more, get out your mental mat and spend the next 9 minutes on YOU and take a listen!
#113 Healing Mental Wounds
We all have wounds that still need to heal. But did you know mental wounds are just like physical wounds in the sense that we have to stop touching them to let them heal? In this week’s episode our quote to ponder is “To Heal a Wound you have to Stop Touching It”. Wise words but hard to do sometimes. We know and can see the effects of touching a physical wound. We watch it become irritated and not heal quickly. Listen this week as we talk about how our mental wounds can be healed the same as our physical ones; if we stop touching them and we stretch our minds to figure out how we can do this.
#112 You are Valuable!
“Your value does not decrease based upon someone’s inability to see your worth”. This week we stretch our minds around this quote and learn how perceived value is just that—what is perceived. We need to understand that when one person does not see our value, it is not a reflection on us at all. It is their inability to see our value. Take a listen for nine minutes and learn how to not let people’s inability to see our worth make us question our value.