Life Coaching

A Personal Trainer for your Soul.  As a Life Coach I want to help you live and enjoy your life better.  My passion is talking with people and I’d like to help you in an area of life where you feel stuck. It may be your job, a relationship or just plain stuck in your life. You may know you want more, but don't know how to get it.  

Working together we can begin to uncover why you feel the way you do and I can help you figure out what you do want--what makes you happy, what dream you’re not living because you don't know where to start.

I can work with you to discover your true North Star--the direction you want your life to be heading and how can you get there.  Through our discussions we uncover past patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving you and we work on making changes from within. For without changing ourselves from within, our surroundings can change but we will repeat old patterns and be right back where we were quickly.