This week stretch your mind and think about what you want to change in the world and learn how you can start with making changes yourself. I’ll guide you through some questions to think about that will open your mind some more and allow you to discover how your thoughts create your feelings and how we are 100% in charge of our feelings. Others do not cause you anguish, you do! Stop the blame and take responsibility and begin helping the world change but taking care of your mental health.
#117 Take Control Instead of Losing Control
“Take Control Instead of Losing Control” is this weeks quick quote. Do you find yourself losing the ability to think and act rationally? Do you lose your temper more than you care to admit? In this week’s episode I encourage you to stretch your mind and think about why…why do we let things get the best of us and how can we have more control of our lives? We can’t control others but we CAN control ourselves. Learn how you can do this and have more peace in your life.