
#35 Be Thankful More

“We don’t need more to Thankful for, we need to be Thankful More!”—This week I ask you to stretch your mind and really think about all you have to be thankful for and I give you some ideas on things we often take for granted, but are true blessings in our life. Gratitude is something I encourage you to think about daily, not just at this time of year. Listen and learn how to get started.


#15 Being Thankful for What We Have

Life is Happier When we are Thankful for what we have and do not dwell on what is missing.  How often do you wish for more than you have right now?  Are you truly thankful for all you do have?  We can get everything we want and still not be happy.  In this week's episode we'll explore why this is.  Get out your Mental Mat and Listen for a few minutes.  I think you will be glad you did.