
#124 Failure IS an Option

Do you feel if you failed you’ve let everyone down? Are you afraid to try anything new because you fear failure? In this week’s podcast I discuss why not only is failure an option, but it is necessary in order for us to learn from our mistakes and succeed. Listen and stretch your mind to the possibility that failing IS an option, and one we need in order to get to where we want to be.

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#123 Music-It's good for our soul

Music--it brings us laughter, it brings us tears. In this week's podcast I discuss how listening to music can bring back memories we haven't had in years. What’s some of your favorite songs and what emotions do they bring out in you? How can a song from years ago take us back to the exact moment we remember hearing it? Listen and learn how music cam soothe our soul and why we love the songs we do.

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#122 Our Story

What’s your story? We all tell stories from our past, but is the story you telling hurting our helping you? We can rewrite our story. Yes the past is over, but we can rewrite it and make our next chapter better. Join me this week and stretch your mind and think about the story we want to tell to ourselves and others.

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#113 Healing Mental Wounds

We all have wounds that still need to heal. But did you know mental wounds are just like physical wounds in the sense that we have to stop touching them to let them heal? In this week’s episode our quote to ponder is “To Heal a Wound you have to Stop Touching It”. Wise words but hard to do sometimes. We know and can see the effects of touching a physical wound. We watch it become irritated and not heal quickly. Listen this week as we talk about how our mental wounds can be healed the same as our physical ones; if we stop touching them and we stretch our minds to figure out how we can do this.


#104 LOVE is not Cancelled

We are living in very uncertain times. Daily we are finding out about more and more activities that have been cancelled and although we cannot control what is happening around us, we can control our own actions and our own thoughts. But we need to remember there is one thing that no one can cancel —and that is LOVE. In this week’s podcast I ask you to stretch your mind and look at ways we can all use LOVE in the coming weeks to “control the controllables”. Learn how to use the most important virtue of all-LOVE-to help you combat feelings of anxiousness or stress you may be having. We will get through this and LOVE will be the answer.


#102 Your Relationship with Yourself

This week we explore the quote “The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have”. Listen and ask yourself 3 questions which will reveal a lot about the relationship you have with yourself. Learn how we teach others how to treat us and how we can make ourselves a priority and in return enhance our relationships. Spend less than 9 minutes on YOU and begin to stretch your mind to better mental health.


#99 Abundance

Did you know the world is full of unlimited abundance? How amazing is that? Abundance is everywhere and this week we stretch our minds and think about all the abundance that is around us every minute of every day. Listen and explore how we can change our mindset and learn to tap into the abundance that is all around us.


#96 Our Feelings come from our Thoughts

Listen and learn this week how almost all our feelings are caused by our thoughts and how we DO have control over them. We will stretch our minds and look back at past feelings we have had and how we can trace it back to our thoughts. I will give you examples of how you can use this concept everyday to gain more peace in your life. Make your mental health stronger and take a listen!


#88 Being Thankful

Thanksgiving is a time when we all count our blessings but what if we made a conscience choice to count our blessings more? We have so much to be thankful for and yet we often forget about the little things when we count our blessings. Listen this week and be reminded of the day to day, often overlooked items we can add to our gratitude list. You deserve to take time out for YOU and listen.


#65 Wanting vs Having-Putting it all in Perspective

Mind Yoga Quote #65

In this weeks Mind Yoga podcast we stretch our minds and think about what we want vs what we have. It’s ok to want things, but do you really appreciate all you have? How can we remember all we have more and still strive for more without being greedy? Give yourself the gift of the next nine minutes to listen and find out more.

#62 Abundance

“We don’t create abundance, abundance is always present. We create limitations”. Do you agree with this statement? In this weeks podcast I talk about abundance and encourage you to stretch your mind and think about this quote. Abundance is Everywhere, but why do we not realize this? Listen and explore how we can change our mindset and learn to tap into the abundance that is all around us.


#29 - Abundance is always present

“We don’t create abundance, abundance is always present. We create limitations”. Do you agree with this statement? In this weeks podcast I talk about abundance and encourage you to stretch your mind and think about this quote. Abundance is Everywhere, but why do we not realize this? Listen and explore how we can change our mindset and learn to tap into the abundance that is all around us.


#15 Being Thankful for What We Have

Life is Happier When we are Thankful for what we have and do not dwell on what is missing.  How often do you wish for more than you have right now?  Are you truly thankful for all you do have?  We can get everything we want and still not be happy.  In this week's episode we'll explore why this is.  Get out your Mental Mat and Listen for a few minutes.  I think you will be glad you did.