
#127 Indecision is the Enemy of Progress

Do you have a hard time making decisions?  Do you allow your indecisiveness to get in the way of what you really want? This week’s quote is “Indecision is the enemy of progress” and I not only talk about why this is true, but I walk you through some mental exercises which may help you understand why being indecisive is not helping you at all.  Take out your Mental Mat, open our mind and take a listen.


#122 Our Story

What’s your story? We all tell stories from our past, but is the story you telling hurting our helping you? We can rewrite our story. Yes the past is over, but we can rewrite it and make our next chapter better. Join me this week and stretch your mind and think about the story we want to tell to ourselves and others.

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#121 Losing Mental Weight

Sometimes it’s not just physical weight but mental weight we need to lose. We are often unaware of how our thoughts weigh us down and this week I’ll ask some questions to stretch your mind and get you to uncover your thoughts that weigh you down? Want to lose weight this week? Listen for the next few minutes and find out how!

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#97 Evolve or Repeat

We are faced with many decisions throughout our day. And, you probably have never really thought about if your decisions are allowing you to evolve or simply repeat old patterns. In this week’s podcast I encourage you to stretch your mind and learn how in any given situation you have the choice…YOU get to decide if YOU are going to continue in a pattern that is not what you want but you continue it out of habit, or if you are going to make more conscious decisions that will help you evolve to be the person you want to be. Take a few minutes for your mental well being and take a listen!
