Self Improvement

#45 Your Business or None of Your Business?

“If it’s none of your business, don’t make it your business” is this weeks Mind Yoga Quick Quote. I’ll talk about and encourage you to stretch your mind and really think about how often we give our opinion when not even asked and why we use the excuse “I was just trying to help”. Once we can become aware of how often we try to help others when we were not asked to, and once we can start to “mind our own business”, we will learn to have more peace in our lives.


#44 Are you better than you use to be?

This week’s Mind Yoga Quick Quote is from a Tim McGraw song. Do you believe you are better than you use to be? Or, do you believe you are the person you are and you can’t change? In this week’s episode I’ll talk about how we all have free will and each and every day we choose the person we want to be. Who do you want to be? Think about that, start stretching your mind and take a listen!

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#43 Take Control Instead of Losing Control

“Take Control Instead of Losing Control” is this weeks quick quote. Do you find yourself losing the ability to think and act rationally? Do you lose your temper more than you care to admit? In this week’s episode I encourage you to stretch your mind and think about why…why do we let things get the best of us and how can we have more control of our lives? We can’t control others but we CAN control ourselves. Learn how you can do this and have more peace in your life.

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#42 Let's leave our excuses in 2018!

“As we begin 2019 let’s leave our excuses in 2018”. It’s a New Year and time for a fresh start. In this week’s episode I talk about excuses and how we can’t move forward when we use excuses. We all use them, but how can we stop from doing so? Join me as I ask some mind stretching questions to get you thinking about how often you use excuses and the benefits of taking responsibility for our lives.

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FORGIVENESS! It’s so important and we have total control whether we choose to forgive someone, but we often don’t. Why? Why can’t we move on and forgive others? As we begin a New Year, let’s try to forgive others (including ourselves) and start the New Year with a clean slate. In this week’s podcast I rebroadcast a previous episode on forgiveness and I also ask you if you can’t forgive someone, how can you expect others to forgive you? We all need forgiveness—we all have hurt people and not realized it. Forgiveness cleanses our soul and helps us to grow. Start now by getting out your Mental Mat and listening for the next few minutes.


#40 LOVE

This week’s podcast is a re-broadcast of an earlier Mind Yoga Quick Quotes and is one I got the most feedback on. Everyone Loves LOVE! And because during the holiday season, we tend to spend more time with those we love, I thought it appropriate to re-play and get our minds stretched some more on this subject. Listen and start exercising your mind and may your holiday season be filled with many moments with those you LOVE.


#39 Our thoughts can be like a Runaway Train

Our minds are so powerful and yet we often don’t give a second thought to our thoughts. Without a conductor, a train will become a runaway train, and our mind is similar. We CAN learn to keep it on track and avoid disaster. It takes practice and patience. Listen this week and give your mind a mental workout. I’ll ask you some warm up questions to get your mind stretched so you can start exercising your most important muscle—your Mind!


#38 Our Ego vs our Soul

In this weeks podcast I talk about our Ego’s and how our Ego plays a big part of how we think and ultimately feel. I give you some questions to begin to stretch your mind and think about how often you may, without even knowing it, be responding because of your Ego vs your Soul. Take seven minutes for your mental health and listen.


#37 No One Can Make You Feel Inferior...

Eleanor Roosevelt said “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. This week we take a deep dive into this quote and really begin to uncover why this is true. People say things and we feel all different feelings based on what they said, but it is not what they said, but how we think about what they said, that makes us feel a certain way. Take out your Mental Mat and get ready to stretch your mind!


#36 Closed Minds Never Open New Doors

“Closed Minds never open New Doors”. In this weeks podcast I discuss the benefits of having an open mind and I encourage you to stretch your mind and think about if you do or not. We often think we do, but there may be areas in your life where your mind is closed and you don’t even realize it. When are minds are open, we can receive more. Listen and start your mental workout for the day!


#35 Be Thankful More

“We don’t need more to Thankful for, we need to be Thankful More!”—This week I ask you to stretch your mind and really think about all you have to be thankful for and I give you some ideas on things we often take for granted, but are true blessings in our life. Gratitude is something I encourage you to think about daily, not just at this time of year. Listen and learn how to get started.



Are you a worry wart? Do you spend time worrying about things you have no control over? Do you worry about not just yourself, but others too? In this week’s episode I’ll talk about worrying and how 99% of what you worry about never happens. Listen for 7 minutes, stretch your mind and learn how to have more peace in your life.


#33 Change your Mind-Change your Life

This weeks quote is from the song Your Life is Now by John Melloncamp. It’s a reminder how if we stop playing victim and change our mindset, we can change our lives. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health but why do we not workout our minds like we do our bodies? Listen for just 8 minutes and see how you can begin to think differently, once you are aware of what you are thinking about.


#32 Learn from every experience vs being a victim

‘When you replace ‘Why is this Happening to me?’ with ‘What is this trying to Teach me?’, Everything Shifts”. This week’s episode talks about how we can learn to use moments of frustration, when we think or say out loud “Why is this happening to me?” to our benefit and once we dive into what the circumstance is that creates this response in us, we can then figure out the lesson we should be learning.


#31 Are you a Product or Prisoner of your Past?

“We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it”-Rick Warren. Do you use circumstances from your past as excuses for your life now? Listen to this weeks episode and learn how not only is this hurting you, but how you can move forward and Let Go of a past that is no longer serving you.


#30 Is it wrong or just different?

How do we find peace when we disagree with others? This week's quote is from a book I am reading by Deborah Hanlon. It is "As we begin to Grow, we begin to think Less of something as being Wrong and have more Understanding of things being Different". Listen and learn how to stretch your mind and think about things a little differently. I'll challenge you to think about this throughout your week and hopefully you will learn we don't always have to be right to be happy.


#29 - Abundance is always present

“We don’t create abundance, abundance is always present. We create limitations”. Do you agree with this statement? In this weeks podcast I talk about abundance and encourage you to stretch your mind and think about this quote. Abundance is Everywhere, but why do we not realize this? Listen and explore how we can change our mindset and learn to tap into the abundance that is all around us.


#26 Attitude & Effort

The Two Things in Life You have Total Control Over: Your Attitude and Your Effort-Billy Cox.

Do you ever stop to think about this? Do you often blame others if you are in a bad mood? In this week’s podcast I encourage you to take out your Mental Mat and really think about this quote and start to see how true it really is.