Why do we get nervous before taking a chance? Is there anything we can do to calm our nerves? Listen this week and learn how we can turn our nerves, our doubts, our fears, into excitement! We CAN control our thoughts. Your mind wants to always take the path of least resistance. Your mind wants you to stay in your comfort zone. But if you are itching to learn how to step out of your comfort zone, join me this week for some mind stretching exercises to help you do jus that!
#104 LOVE is not Cancelled
We are living in very uncertain times. Daily we are finding out about more and more activities that have been cancelled and although we cannot control what is happening around us, we can control our own actions and our own thoughts. But we need to remember there is one thing that no one can cancel —and that is LOVE. In this week’s podcast I ask you to stretch your mind and look at ways we can all use LOVE in the coming weeks to “control the controllables”. Learn how to use the most important virtue of all-LOVE-to help you combat feelings of anxiousness or stress you may be having. We will get through this and LOVE will be the answer.
#103 The Power of Patience
Wait, Breathe. Trust…can you do this? Most of us can’t. We’ve lost our patience or we’ve never had it to begin with. We live in a society where we can get almost anything instantaneously or with very little wait. And while it has its advantages, the disadvantage is we’ve forgotten how to practice patience. But the old adage “Good things come to those who wait” is still true. Listen this week and learn the power of patience.
#102 Your Relationship with Yourself
This week we explore the quote “The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have”. Listen and ask yourself 3 questions which will reveal a lot about the relationship you have with yourself. Learn how we teach others how to treat us and how we can make ourselves a priority and in return enhance our relationships. Spend less than 9 minutes on YOU and begin to stretch your mind to better mental health.
#101 Freedom from Thoughts
Do your thoughts drive you crazy? “If it’s out of your hands it deserves freedom from your mind” is this week’s quote. Listen and learn how to do just that—let go of thoughts that are not helping your well being. We do have control over our thoughts, but until we understand how to recognize and release thoughts that are out of our hands, we will continue to allow them to consume us with worry. Spend less than 10 minutes of your day and improve your mental capacity by learning how to free yourself from thoughts you no longer want in your life.
#100 Your Life is Speaking to You
On this week’s podcast we stretch our minds around a quote from Oprah,…”Your Life is always speaking to you. The fundamental spiritual question is: will you listen?”. But how do we know when our life is speaking to us? How can we listen if we are not aware of what it is telling us? I’ll walk you through some exercises which will answer these questions and more. You’ll learn how to distinguish between what your life is trying to tell you and what you are feeling. You hold the key to your life happiness. Spend less than 9 minutes to listen and learn more.
#99 Abundance
Did you know the world is full of unlimited abundance? How amazing is that? Abundance is everywhere and this week we stretch our minds and think about all the abundance that is around us every minute of every day. Listen and explore how we can change our mindset and learn to tap into the abundance that is all around us.
#96 Our Feelings come from our Thoughts
Listen and learn this week how almost all our feelings are caused by our thoughts and how we DO have control over them. We will stretch our minds and look back at past feelings we have had and how we can trace it back to our thoughts. I will give you examples of how you can use this concept everyday to gain more peace in your life. Make your mental health stronger and take a listen!
#95 Water your own grass
Thera are numerous quotes around the “grass is greener” concept but have you noticed the grass is always greener where it’s been watered? We are responsible for watering our own grass, but how often do you feel frustrated because your grass may not be as green as someone else’s? Have you ever given any thought into how often you water your own grass? Listen this week and learn how easy it is to do this and the benefit of doing so.
#94 Stepping out of your comfort zone
This week I talk about the possibilities and advantages of stepping out of our comfort zones and breathing in fresh, clean air. It’s scary for many people to even think about doing this because we’ve been conditioned to believe it’s much safer to stay where we are. Once we realize the fear is in our head, we can begin to look at leaving as an exciting opportunity to grow. Listen this week and learn how to push through your fears and become like a beautiful butterfly who has left the safety of its cocoon and has learned to fly.
2020 The Year of No Excuses
It’s a New Year and a new decade. Join me this week as we look back over the past year and recall how many times we made excuses, usually blaming others, for the circumstances in our life. Begin to understand how when we do this, we are allowing others to have control over our happiness. Learn how you can move forward—eliminating excuses and take responsibility for your life. Take time for you and take a listen! You can make 2020 your best year yet.
#92 What we tell ourselves matters
In this week’s podcast I talk about the conversations we have with ourselves everyday. These conversations, these thoughts are the basis of how we feel about ourselves and determine our future. They are the foundation for our relationships with others. We are in control of our thoughts and we can use them to either tear us down or lift us up. Begin to stretch your mind; listen and learn how to have healthier thoughts about yourself. Take time for YOU. Less than 10 minutes to better mental health begins now!
#91 The Key to Your Happiness
Do you put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket? In this week’s podcast I encourage you to stretch your mind and think about why you do this and I give you perspective on how you can stop and be happy now, regardless of what else is going on in your life. We each hold the key to our happiness. We choose our attitude and our mood at any given moment. Listen and learn how you can gain more peace in your day by taking control of your own happiness.
#87 Turning a "no" into a better "yes"!
When we hear a “no” we feel rejected, angry and we are understandably upset. But what if that “no” is happening for us? What if we looked at the “no” as an opportunity because a better “yes” is down the road? In this week’s podcast I encourage you to stretch your mind and think about how you perceive a “no”. I’ll challenge you to think back to a time when a “no” did turn into a better “yes”. Take time for you and listen for less than nine minutes. Learn how to start taking control when you hear a “no” and how to move forward to get a better “yes”!
#85 Your Life Story
In this week’s podcast we stretch our minds around the quote “Your Life is Your Story. Write Well. Edit Often”. What story do you tell yourself and others? Do you know you can change your story whenever you want to? You are the author of your story, you control the story you tell. Is there something in your past you’d like to forget—edit it out of your story. Learn how you can write your story to serve you better. You don’t have to keep telling yourself the same story over and over again. When we write well and edit often, we empower ourselves. Our stories become who we are. Listen for the next nine minutes and learn how to edit your story to benefit YOU!
#82 Living with Intention
How do we live less out of habit and more out of intent? In this week’s podcast we will stretch our minds and consider how we can do this. It’s easy to fall back into old habits but when we live with intent we will find more commitment to ourselves and others. Take 8 1/2 minutes right now for YOU! Listen and learn how you can achieve doing this and it is not as hard as you may think.